
Managing director

Johnny Umbricht

Swiss VAT-No

CHE-112.174.699 MWST



Responsible for content

Can Man AG
Muelisacker 221
CH-5705 Hallwil
Tel. +41 62 777 444 0

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We have carefully investigated the content of external links. However, we do not accept any liability for their content. The owners of the linked sites are exclusively responsible for the content of these sites.

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The domain owner does not accept any liability for incorrect content.


Can Man AG endeavours to respect all valid copyrights. Should, however, this or any linked sites contain any unmarked but protected content, Can Man AG was unable to ascertain the owner of the copyright. In the event of such inadvertent copyright violation Can Man AG will remove the respective information from the published data or mark the content as being protected by copyright accordingly after notification of the fact. The copyright of the linked sites is owned by the respective site owners. The copyright for own content of the site Can Man AG at the domain remains exclusively with the owner. It is not permitted to copy or use the content in any other electronic or printed publication without the express consent of the copyright owner.

This website is no longer updated. Visit the official Soudronic group website at for comprehensive and up-to-date information.
Where do you want to continue your journey?
All Can Man content is now also available on the Soudronic Group website.
Where do you want to continue your journey?