
Consulting By A Local Representative

As a true partner we support our customers in several ways in the planning process. Your local representative will be happy to assist you in all your 3-piece canmaking related concerns; from  upgrades of your existing welding equipment to setting up a complete new canproduction line.

Analyse Your Needs

Let us know what you want to produce, what your task is, where you set your priorities and we will compose a suitable solution for you. Please fill in the inquiry form and send it to us so that we can analyse your needs and advise you what your optimum solution is.

This site is currently under construction. For requests or questions, please send an e-mail to

This website is no longer updated. Visit the official Soudronic group website at for comprehensive and up-to-date information.
Where do you want to continue your journey?
All Can Man content is now also available on the Soudronic Group website.
Where do you want to continue your journey?