
4 Support Entries

How to bypass / remove a generator in case of failure on the PowerCURE V2 please check link below:

CM26 bypass generator in case of failure

How To:

  1. Switch off cooling unit.
  2. Switch off main power. Wait 10 min until the capacitors inside PM HF are discharged before removing cover.
  3. Before you remove any cable, take some picture and note how they are connected.
  4. Disconnect the cables and water tubes on the c-bank.
  5. Disconnect the Powercable and the water tubes on PM HF unit.
  6. Disconnect the signal cable (Plug Sub D 25 Pin) and the panel cable (Plug Sub D 9 Pin).
  7. Disconnect the two valve cables inside PM HF.
  8. Remove the PM HF and replace with new or spare unit.
  9. Reconnect all cables.
  10. ATTENTION: Check the coil before connecting it!
  11. Double check all connection before switching on the main power.
  12. Compare the settings/parameter and change it if necessary. For instructions which parameters has to set and how to do please contact Can Man
  13. Re-start the PowerCURE™

Scroll down in the display menu until you reach the temperature display. Observe, if after crossing the switching threshold, the temperature doesn’t change, that the solenoid valve is blocked (when the 2nd thresholds are reached the message “over- or undertemperature” will be displayed).

NOTE: The error message “Ths too low (Ths = Temperature Heatsink)” might be an indication for a contaminated valve.


– Check the cooling-water-inlet.
– Check the “Ths” and “Tamb” on the display.
– Check the small fans of the Pacemaker


The error “Ths too low” means temperature heat sink (copperplate) too low. If the copper plate is too cold. It can damage the unit, if some condensation water flows to the electronic power parts.


Check if the valve closes correctly and clean the valve.

If you reassemble the valve, make sure you do it the right way (see picture)


Check the correct water flow direction.

Download PDF here

NOTE: The pictures showing a regular Pacemaker and not a Pacemaker HF as used in the PowerCure, but the issue is the same!

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