Maintenance, cleaning and insulation check (can be used in general for any welder)
Tubes have to be insulated in the area of rollformer, to avoid any contact to the ground.
(In the area of the lower welding arm is a simple insulation not possible).
− Take off the grounding cable from the lower copper plate going to the welding transformer
(Do not forget to place back after you finish).
− Clean the whole secondary circuit as good as possible by rag and compressed air.
Blow from rollformer side towards overhead exit conveyor, to protect the bearings in the rollformer.
− Mount the Z-bar back into the arm and measure the insulation by Ohm-meter > 10 Mega Ohm!
insulation plates).
− Check also every bearing. Attention: Most of them have ceramic balls, marked by a red point!
Make sure you are using only stainless steel screws and washers and lubricate the threads again!
Remote maintenance:
In the electrical cabinet a modem with a remote maintenance adapter is integrated. Therefore you can do small changes over the phone line.