
2 Support Entries


Circuit breaker Q5 trips when the machine is switched on or during production.

Possible Causes or Resolutions:

  • Measure voltages at all phases, even under load. It is possible that one phase did drop down, and this triggered the circuit breaker.
  • Measure the current of each phase with a current clamp after Q5. If the measured value is below the value of the circuit breaker and Q5 still keeps tripping, the circuit breaker may be defective. Replace it.
  • Maybe the parameter “Low bat voltage” (coming from Pacemaker) is set too low: That means that the contactor in the Pacemaker closes too early with a precharge voltage that is too low and therefore Q5 trips. To check this, please open a ticket to contact CanMan.


Machine stops and message „Pacemaker: Profibus communication error“ is displayed.

Possible Causes & Resolutions:

  • Cooling water valve: Wrong type of valve or plug without protective circuit (suppressor). The voltage peaks can cause interferences in the Pacemaker electronics. Always use the original plug and valve type.
  • Profibus plug: On the plug of first and last client of profibus system the termination resistant must be set to ON. Otherwise interference may occur.
  • Profibus cables: Check the position of the cables in the control unit. If they are close to contactors, high voltage peaks can create interferences.
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