
3 Support Entries
  1. Take off the crown and mount the setting mandrel.
    If the mandrel does not fit, first move the accordant diabolo rollers a bit out of the crown center!
  2. Adjust now the top 2 diabolo rollers first.
  3. Reset the top diabolo roller first. Only the center of the diabolo roller must touch the mandrel!
  4. Now reset the other diabolo rollers. Only the center of the diabolo roller must touch the mandrel!
  5. Take care, that the clearance between all diabolo roller ends are equal.
  6. Make sure that the gap between both roller ends is as small as possible, with other words, move them towards the “welding center”.
  7. Make sure that all spring tensioned pre-calibration rollers are touching the mandrel and have a preload of about 0.2 – 0.5 mm!
    no gauge available except operators sense.
  8. The top pre-calibration rollers shall touch the mandrel or have a clearance of max. 0.5 mm!
  9. After you mounted the calibration crown back into the welder, make sure that the level of the crown is parallel to the bottom plate. Measure the distance left and right with a rule, and set the height left and right within 1 mm.

Read also this checklist here.

The center of the calibration crown (tooling) should be
X = 2 – 3 mm
behind the center of the pendulum roller head.


he screw with the lock nut has a red seal and must not be changed. This is used to fix the position on the longitudinal axis of the tool carrier with regard to the welding centre.


If you have to change the setting of the calibration crown, you have to loose the lock nut and adjust with the M10 screw accordingly.


  • Delay off time drives has to be increased (access over spanner symbol, key symbol, customer password, key symbol, time settings, drives off delay).
  • Check the overlap in the end, maybe overlap is too small, and it looks like not welded.
  • Also possible: time “jam in weld section” (longest canbody?) did stop the welder, error message should appear in the touch screen!
    contact Can Man.
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