
8 Support Entries


Machine stops and message „Pacemaker: Profibus communication error“ is displayed.

Possible Causes & Resolutions:

  • Cooling water valve: Wrong type of valve or plug without protective circuit (suppressor). The voltage peaks can cause interferences in the Pacemaker electronics. Always use the original plug and valve type.
  • Profibus plug: On the plug of first and last client of profibus system the termination resistant must be set to ON. Otherwise interference may occur.
  • Profibus cables: Check the position of the cables in the control unit. If they are close to contactors, high voltage peaks can create interferences.

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Click here for the status LED’s of the Beckhoff PC and how to access the PC in case of a trouble shooting.


  • If the Led are not switching off after machine power off (wait at least 5min. !), remove the X101 plug on the IPC and plug it back after some seconds.


Possible cause:

NOTE: Only applicable for CMX8 with serial number until No.182 (with Linmot controller type E 1130 and E 2030)

Possible cause:

  • Cable break in motor cable or extension cable.
    • replace extension cable or replace motor with fixed cable.
      NOTE: Maintain minimum bending radius of 25mm for the cable!

Possible cause:

  1. Machine control is not „ON“
    (help: key „wire drive manual“ is shown dashed in the display)
  2. The analog sensors (B1 & B2) are not properly adjusted. See the following description.
  3. Pendulum head turns, but the copper wire has slippage:
    • increase the wire tension for the chopper unit by 0.2 bar (min. 2.0 – max. 2.5bar)
    • groove worn out, recess the welding disc.
  4.  Converter U4 defect.


Error message: “Jam canbody transport”

Possible Causes & Resolutions:

  • Calibration crown: Possibly is adjusted too close (too much overlap). This can cause a high resistance. Readjust according manual.
  • Slider condition: Switch of machine and move the slider by hand. It must move smoothly. Since the slider of the linear motor contains strong magnets, remove dust or small metallic particles from the slider (see picture beside). To do this, remove the front cover.
  • Wrong adjustment of curve time: Curve time means the duration for one complete move of linear motor. It must be shorter then one machine cycle! Example: Production speed => 120cpm => Machine cycle 500ms => curve time must be lower then 500ms.
  • Enable signal of plc lost (Error message Linmot controller “User Err:Motion Cmd in Wrong St.“): Check wiring between PLC module and Linmot controller. Check PLC module. Clean the contact surfaces between the PLC modules with contact spray.

Additionally checkpoints for X8 with air cylinder downstacker

  • Function of the valve Y1 for downstacker: Watch the LED on the valve for consitent timing / on – off switching. If inconsitent, please check output on PLC (Vipa output A4.6, Beckhoff output BA117 1/9), wiring and plug to valve or replace solenoid or entire valve.
  • Cylinder condition: Possibly is worn, therefore check for are air leaks in both positions and to much backlash between piston rod and cylinder body. Removing air hoses (or air pressure) and move the piston in and out (up and down) manually.

 If you did remove the bracing, reassemble correctly. Check the insulation and tighten the self-locking nut only slightly, that the connection can adjust itself.




  • Check first whether the conveyor / elevator unit is blocked somewhere!
  • Check the 24 VDC fuse according electrical diagram. Make sure that the correct size will be used!
  • Check the setting of the respective sensor (according electrical diagram), which allows the conveyor to move if the sensor is active / free!
  • Take the 24 VDC motor out, and check whether the motor is defective or not! Make sure that the conveyor is not moving downwards as soon as the mechanical connection between motor and elevator unit has been released!
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