
24 Support Entries

The motherboard battery is a CR2032 lithium-metal cell. It is used to supply power to the clock integrated on the motherboard. If the battery is depleted or missing, the date and time are displayed incorrectly. Recommendation for replacement interval is 5 years.

For instructions on how to replace the battery use the download link below. You will also find the correct battery type there.

Download instruction

The motherboard battery is a CR2032 lithium-metal cell. It is used to supply power to the clock integrated on the motherboard. If the battery is depleted or missing, the date and time are displayed incorrectly. Recommendation for replacement interval is 5 years.

For instructions on how to replace the battery use the download link below. You will also find the correct battery type there.

Download instruction

All Beckhoff control units are equipped with a UPS to ensure the proper shutdown of the control IPC. However, this only works if the battery is in perfect condition to prevent data loss and ensure the flawless operation of the control system. The battery module for the UPS must be replaced every 5 years.

To order a new battery please contact

For instructions on how to replace the battery use the download link below. You will also find the correct order number there.

Download instruction

All Beckhoff control units are equipped with a UPS to ensure the proper shutdown of the control IPC. However, this only works if the battery is in perfect condition to prevent data loss and ensure the flawless operation of the control system. The battery module for the UPS must be replaced every 5 years.

To order a new battery please contact

For instructions on how to replace the battery use the download link below. You will also find the correct order number there.

Download instruction


Circuit breaker Q5 trips when the machine is switched on or during production.

Possible Causes or Resolutions:

  • Measure voltages at all phases, even under load. It is possible that one phase did drop down, and this triggered the circuit breaker.
  • Measure the current of each phase with a current clamp after Q5. If the measured value is below the value of the circuit breaker and Q5 still keeps tripping, the circuit breaker may be defective. Replace it.
  • Maybe the parameter “Low bat voltage” (coming from Pacemaker) is set too low: That means that the contactor in the Pacemaker closes too early with a precharge voltage that is too low and therefore Q5 trips. To check this, please open a ticket to contact CanMan.


All drives are starting correctly, but the vacuum and welding current are not active.

Possible Causes & Resolutions:

  • Welding pressure has been set below the min. value of 2.0 bar => Check the welding pressure setting value on the precise air-regulator and reset if needed.
  • Solenoid valve welding pressure Y10 does not work correctly  => Check the welding pressure valve Y10. Does the valve switch correctly and do the welding rollers close?
  • Welding rollers are closing and welding pressure is set correct, but no welding pressure value is displayed on the HMI => Check whether the analogue sensor B77 is working correctly or not.






Some Beckhoff i/o terminals are not active and status LEDs are off, control does not respond to commands.

Possible Causes & Resolutions:

  • The 24Vdc supply of the EK1100 coupler or the EL9410 intermediate supply terminal is missing or the voltage is too low > Check all connections, measure voltage, check fuses.
  • Bad contact between the terminals > Switch off the main power and remove the terminals. Clean the contact between the terminals.
  • Defective EL9410 intermediate supply terminal > Exchange terminal.
  • Defective EK1100 coupler > Exchange coupler.





After main switch off and on again, HMI piece counter values and settings are lost or old recipes are loaded.

Possible Causes & Resolutions:

  • IPC has not shut down correctly.Check the IPC after you switched off the main switch: Normally it will continue to run for at least 30 seconds to shut down correctly. If LED’s of IPC goes off within a few second, the battery of the UPS – unit is dead and needs to be replaced.



Machine stops and message „Pacemaker: Profibus communication error“ is displayed.

Possible Causes & Resolutions:

  • Cooling water valve: Wrong type of valve or plug without protective circuit (suppressor). The voltage peaks can cause interferences in the Pacemaker electronics. Always use the original plug and valve type.
  • Profibus plug: On the plug of first and last client of profibus system the termination resistant must be set to ON. Otherwise interference may occur.
  • Profibus cables: Check the position of the cables in the control unit. If they are close to contactors, high voltage peaks can create interferences.


The HMI cannot be started and the browser shows „NOT FOUND, The requested URL /en/default.htm was not found on this server“.

Possible Causes & Resolutions:

Not connected to Canman Wifi (only for wireless connected iPad’s): Check the wifi settings. Choose Canman wifi and try again.

IPC has not shut down correctly: In this case probably the HMI software can’t start up automatically by restarting the machine.

Check the IPC after you switched off the main switch: Normally it will continue to run for at least 30 seconds to shut down correctly. If LED’s of IPC goes off within a few second, the battery of the UPS – unit is dead and needs to be replaced.  Contact Canman for online support to restart HMI.


  • HMI communication error (see picture)
  • Not able to run the welder



Possible Causes & Resolution:

  • Turn the machine off and back on and see if the error message comes up again.
  • Check for the LED “on” at the PLC.
  • The machine isn’t showing any reaction (for example wire manual)
  • Please check the MPI-bus connection between the touch panel and the PLC.
  • Also check if all the PLC modules are properly mounted to the c-rail.
  • The machine was switched off for a longer period.
  • The PLC has an internal battery. To be sure that it can be sufficient charged, leave the machine power on for >24 hours.
  • Change the battery of the Pacemaker, see FAQ PM send error / PM receive error or welding parameter don’t match after starting the machine.
The HMI of Can Man machines is optimized for an iPad, but as an alternative, a computer, laptop or another tablet with a browser can be used as well.
How to:
  1. Connect your device to the WLAN „CM_SMARTControl“. If you don’t have a Wi-Fi connection on your machine, connect a LAN cable to the router.
    Note: The Wi-Fi is password protected! Contact Can Man by opening a new ticket or ask your superior.
  2. Open the browser. Supported browser are Safari, Chrome or Firefox.
  3. Enter the correct IP address:
    Welder ➔
    Welding monitor ➔
    Slitter ➔
    Feeder ➔

Note: If you use a new iPad the icons for the machine type can be produced, when you tap on “Add to home screen“ button.

Display shows „Could not activate iPad“

Possible causes & resolutions:

  • No internet connection > Check network connection of machine.
  • Firewall blocks connection to iPad > Try to connect the iPad to other Wifi without firewall, for example hot spot of mobile phone.
  • Try to make a reset by holding down the home and power button simultaneously for a few seconds until the Apple logo appears. Don’t worry, the iPad doesn’t have any data inside, it only displays the values from the browser. Can Man does not use an Apple ID to activate the iPad’s, so the iPad is resettable.
  • iPad might be defective > We will offer new one or you organize it locally.

For connecting an alternative display / PC, please have a look at the separate FAQ.

Battery of IPC is empty when:

  • System Date and Time (Error Log) not correctly displayed and getting lost when powering off the IPC.


To Do:

Download PDF here

Click here for the status LED’s of the Beckhoff PC and how to access the PC in case of a trouble shooting.


  • If the Led are not switching off after machine power off (wait at least 5min. !), remove the X101 plug on the IPC and plug it back after some seconds.


An overvoltage suppressor (or surge suppressor) is an appliance designed to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes. A surge suppressor attempts to regulate the voltage supplied to an electric device by either blocking or by shorting to ground voltages above a safe threshold.

These surge suppressors are built in to the latest Pacemaker models and machine controls (from 2009).

Check, if one or more modules of the surge suppressors are red/defect. Replace the red modules.


Do not bridge the signalling contacts and run the machine with defective red modules because they no longer protect the system from voltage peaks!!!
If the modules are defective, check the main supply. Measure and check all voltages between the phases and all phases to earth before exchange the modules and restart the machine.

Possible cause:

1 or 2 (sender/receiver) sensors are fitted behind the first pair of rollers to recognize double sheets.


Sensor in the lower part.


A pneumatic cylinder operates the ejection flap.


The double sheets detected by the sensor are diverted into this channel by means of a switch point.


Setting the double sheet sensor

The evaluation unit for the double sheet sensor is located in either the control box (illustration) or in the immediate vicinity of the rollformer, on the feeder side.


To set the sheet thickness, take a single sheet and lay it on the support rails in front of the first roller pair. You can also open the roll- former and lay a sheet into the rear area by hand. Then close the rollformer again.


Now turn the single sheet back and forward in the first roller pair by hand with the help of the belt.


The two green LEDs „Power“ and „Relay“ should now be lit up on the evaluation unit.


If the red LED „Double sheet“ is lit up, you must carry out a correction.


Turn the left-hand screw „Thickness Adjust“ clockwise until the red LED goes out and the green LED „Relay“ lights up. Add 1-2 additional turns in the clockwise direction.


Now carry out the same procedure with two sheets (double sheet).


The red LED „Double sheet“ should now be lit up.


The cylinder should now also be activated. It will be reset again when the sheets are removed.


Do not turn the right-hand screw „Delay adjust“; this is used for the delay of the cylinder stroke.

You will find further details in Book 5 OEM manuals on the CD.

Possible Causes & Resolutions:

  • No supply of a Profibus participant (slave) on the bus system.
    • Check 24Vdc supply of Linmot controller. Is supplied by 24Vdc terminal X10. For more details check wiring diagram.
    • Check 400Vac supply of Pacemaker. The circuit breaker Q5 may have tripped. For more details check wiring diagram.
  • Address of Profibus on Linmot controller is set wrong.
    • Check the two rotary switch S1 and S2 on front side of Linmot controller. Both should be set according wiring diagram.


  • Dip switch for interface on Linmot controller is set wrong.
    • Check the Dip switch S3 on bottom side of Linmot controller. Dip switch 4 must be set to ON to activate the Profibus interface, all other must be set to OFF.



  • Wrong position of the switch for end resistant on the bus plug.
    • Check all switches on the complete bus system. Follow the cable seriously from first to last Profibus participant . Plug of first Profibus participant and plug of last Profibus participant must be set to ON, all other to OFF.
  • Pacemaker™ settings lost because of empty ram battery
    • Replace battery. You can find more information here => Pacemaker – Support (
    • If the ram battery of the Pacemaker is empty and the settings are lost, the profibus communication may no longer start and also the analogue outputs, which control the speed for the wire drive and downstacker, are switched off (0Vdc).
    • After a battery change, the Pacemaker™ may have to be rebooted 3 – 4 times. To do this, disconnect Pacemaker™ from the mains and reconnect it (fuse breaker Q5 off and on again). Check the parameter settings before start the welding machine. If you have no access please open a ticket to get support => Can Man Support



  • PLC program has been lost due to empty ram battery and missing program on the memory card. Red LED IF is on.
    • Program has to be loaded again by DP/MPI adaptor and laptop with installed Siemens Step7 software or from memory card (MMC) with program file. => Contact Canman.
    • Possibly PLC or memory card are defective and has to be replaced.
    • Important: The ram battery in the PLC cannot be replaced! This is charged when the machine is switched on and guarantees that the program is retained for a maximum of 30 days. If the PLC loses the program due to an empty ram battery, it automatically loads it from the memory card (MMC) when the machine is started. Of course only if a memory card is inserted and there is a valid file on it.


More information about the PLC and explanations of the LEDs “ER,” “SF,” and “IF” can be found in the manual. Link below.

Vipa 214 Manual


Possible cause:

  • Problem with the touch panel data file, which is loaded on the memory card.
    • Exchange the memory card. Before CanMan will send you a new card, we will store your parameter (prior shipment of your X8).
  • The touch panel itself has a fault.
    • Exchange the touch panel.

 all timing settings are stored on the PLC and not on the memory card.


  • Replace water filter or increase water inlet pressure (min. 5 bar at the inlet).
  • Check / adjust water pressure switch; see picture below: manometer (1) / pressure switch (2).

WARNING: Do not adjust pressure switch unless synchronized / confirmed with / from Can Man!

Find a complete error list together with the interpretation of the error codes

Download PDF here

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