
3 Support Entries

Please follow the below instructions carefully:

  1. Cooling unit for cold water (for both welding rollers):
  • The cooling emulsion must be changed yearly, but more preferably every 6 months. Follow the X7 manual if you have to change the emulsion !
  • The filter cartridge of 50 µm needs to be replaced monthly ! Follow the X7 manual if you have to the filter cartridge !
  • Check the level of the cooling emulsion on the internal tank. If you have to refill the tank, follow the X7 manual to get the correct mixing ratio for the emulsion, and fill the tank. Note: If the water level is too low, the chiller should show an error message, and the X7 should stop and show an error on the iPad !


  1. Cooling water / emulsion distribution station on X7:
  • Run some (5 to 10) can bodies and control the water pressure on the manometer: 5.0 bar is the min. required water pressure !
  • Run some (5 to 10) can bodies and control the water flow on the flowmeter S26 (2. From right side): 5.0 liter per minute is the min. water flow.
  • Note: The water pressure switch S120 is set to > 4.0 bar. If there is the error message “Error S120” on the iPad , first check the water pressure on the manometer, and if it’s below 4.0 bar check the cooling unit again !


  1. Weld roll ø 42 / 49 / 54 / 62 / 90 mm and lower weld arm:
  • It’s possible that the cooling circuit from waterflow meter S26 to lower weld roll, and back to the outlet on the water distribution, is blocked:

Take off the lower weld roll, unplug the grey water tube ø 10 mm labeled with “àWR” directly at the flow switch S26, and blow into the tube with air pressure. Check the out-going air-pressure at the free hole in the lower weld arm (supply for lower weld roll). If the circuit is free, you feel an equal air pressure (like on the output of the air gun) on your finger tip. If you recently took off the lower weld arm, there might be a problem with one or both o-ring seals between arm and upper bus bar:


Please check them if needed !

  • Now unplug the grey tube ø 10 labeled with “WR à” on the water distribution and blow into the tube with air pressure. Check the out-going air-pressure at the free hole in the lower weld arm (exit of lower weld roll). If the circuit is free, you feel an equal air pressure on your finger tip
  • If you re-install the lower weld roll again, make sure that the arrow “running / turning direction” is showing into the right direction.

Before re-connecting both grey tubes ø 10 mm, blow into one tube again by air-pressure, and feel the equal air-pressure on the other tube by your finger tip. If it’s ok, correctly connect both tubes again.


  1. Copper wire / copper wire profiling unit:
  • Measure the copper wire profile after the profiling unit on various positions (within around 300 mm). Check the correct width in the X7 manual. The tolerance must be within 0.03 mm !
  • Please check if the wire guiding wheel in front of the lower weld roll is broken. If it’s broken, replace it by a new one. Make sure you choose the correct size 1.90 or 2.30 mm !
  • Please check if the copper wire tension is correct. Set the correct tension according X7 manual !


  1. Welding parameters:
  • Please check the weld pressure. Set the correct welding pressure according X7 manual. The range should be between 40 and 50 daN.
  • Please check the welding frequency. Set the correct value according the recommendation in the iPad !
  • Please check the welding overlap. The welded overlap should be nosepiece overlap + 0.1 mm !
  • Check if the IR-Sensor graph of the Qualimaker 2™ on the iPad are within the correct range and straight, which means that the crown and exit conveyor settings are correct:

  1. Other possible errors:
  • If the copper wire gets burned, check if the upper and lower weld roll are touching each other without a blank between. Press the button on the main-aluminium plate to close the welding roller and test it.

Possible cause:

  1. Check the water filters:
    When Power ROLL is in use, there is a 50µm filter cartridge in a white body, normally placed on the delivered chiller.
    See also in the manual (chapter 7) how often the filter should be exchanged, and after what time the emulsion has to be exchanged!When mercury rollers are in use, there is a little 250µm filter mounted in the inlet of the water station. Open the filter and blow off the insert til the meshwork is clean.
  2. The water pressure on the water station must show minimum 5.0 bar!
  3. The flow meter of the lower welding roller must show minimum 5.0 l/min!
  4. Take off the water tube in the outlet of that cooling circuit, and measure how many liters emulsion/water is coming out per minute.  Compare that value with the adjusted value on the flow meter. The value of the water flow should be around 1 liter higher than the flow meter, or the flow meter should stay at least at 5 l/min.
  5. If less than 5 liters is coming out, do the following:
    Take off the X-Plane welding roller support completely, and check whether both round connections (center of rotation) between arm and X-Plane are correct positioned! If they are turned, means positioned wrong, they may reduce/close the water circulation between arm and welding roller!Put the X-Plane and welding roller back, and blow out the whole circuit by compressed air.Take off the water tube in the outlet of that cooling circuit, and measure how many liters emulsion/water is coming out per minute. Now the welding arm and roller should remain chilly again.
  6. Adjust now the flow meter to 5.0 l/min and start the production. If everything is correct, the production will not be stopped.
  7. Adjust now the flow meter to the max, means completely to the top, and try to start the production. There should occur an error message on the touch screen, showing that this cooling circuit has not enough water, and production can not being started.

In contrast to other machines, the roller head offset is fixed in machines of the
X- series and is therefore not adjustable.


If you have, due to whatever reason to adjust this setting, first make sure what the result of the offset is.


To adjust this offset, you have to loose the two M8 screws of the holder from the welding pressure cylinder.


Additionally you have to loose four M6 screws (1- two are shown), which are fixing the plate (2). Now you can shift the position of pendulum roller slightly in the various hole play.


Do not make any adjustments on this shaft!


Double-check the offset value again and tighten all screws securely.


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