
3 Support Entries

The sensors B1 and B2, which are mounted to main machine plate, need to be readjusted.


Here you have another viewpoint of the two sensors.


The reason, why the wire is still running is, that a distance “x” in the picture is too big. Therefore reduce the clearance for both sensors B1 and B2 too a minimum of 0.1mm.

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Possible cause:

  1. Machine control is not „ON“
    (help: key „wire drive manual“ is shown dashed in the display)
  2. The analog sensors (B1 & B2) are not properly adjusted. See the following description.
  3. Pendulum head turns, but the copper wire has slippage:
    • increase the wire tension for the chopper unit by 0.2 bar (min. 2.0 – max. 2.5bar)
    • groove worn out, recess the welding disc.
  4.  Converter U4 defect.
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