
16 Support Entries

The motherboard battery is a CR2032 lithium-metal cell. It is used to supply power to the clock integrated on the motherboard. If the battery is depleted or missing, the date and time are displayed incorrectly. Recommendation for replacement interval is 5 years.

For instructions on how to replace the battery use the download link below. You will also find the correct battery type there.

Download instruction

The motherboard battery is a CR2032 lithium-metal cell. It is used to supply power to the clock integrated on the motherboard. If the battery is depleted or missing, the date and time are displayed incorrectly. Recommendation for replacement interval is 5 years.

For instructions on how to replace the battery use the download link below. You will also find the correct battery type there.

Download instruction

All Beckhoff control units are equipped with a UPS to ensure the proper shutdown of the control IPC. However, this only works if the battery is in perfect condition to prevent data loss and ensure the flawless operation of the control system. The battery module for the UPS must be replaced every 5 years.

To order a new battery please contact

For instructions on how to replace the battery use the download link below. You will also find the correct order number there.

Download instruction

All Beckhoff control units are equipped with a UPS to ensure the proper shutdown of the control IPC. However, this only works if the battery is in perfect condition to prevent data loss and ensure the flawless operation of the control system. The battery module for the UPS must be replaced every 5 years.

To order a new battery please contact

For instructions on how to replace the battery use the download link below. You will also find the correct order number there.

Download instruction


Circuit breaker Q5 trips when the machine is switched on or during production.

Possible Causes or Resolutions:

  • Measure voltages at all phases, even under load. It is possible that one phase did drop down, and this triggered the circuit breaker.
  • Measure the current of each phase with a current clamp after Q5. If the measured value is below the value of the circuit breaker and Q5 still keeps tripping, the circuit breaker may be defective. Replace it.
  • Maybe the parameter “Low bat voltage” (coming from Pacemaker) is set too low: That means that the contactor in the Pacemaker closes too early with a precharge voltage that is too low and therefore Q5 trips. To check this, please open a ticket to contact CanMan.


All drives are starting correctly, but the vacuum and welding current are not active.

Possible Causes & Resolutions:

  • Welding pressure has been set below the min. value of 2.0 bar => Check the welding pressure setting value on the precise air-regulator and reset if needed.
  • Solenoid valve welding pressure Y10 does not work correctly  => Check the welding pressure valve Y10. Does the valve switch correctly and do the welding rollers close?
  • Welding rollers are closing and welding pressure is set correct, but no welding pressure value is displayed on the HMI => Check whether the analogue sensor B77 is working correctly or not.






Some Beckhoff i/o terminals are not active and status LEDs are off, control does not respond to commands.

Possible Causes & Resolutions:

  • The 24Vdc supply of the EK1100 coupler or the EL9410 intermediate supply terminal is missing or the voltage is too low > Check all connections, measure voltage, check fuses.
  • Bad contact between the terminals > Switch off the main power and remove the terminals. Clean the contact between the terminals.
  • Defective EL9410 intermediate supply terminal > Exchange terminal.
  • Defective EK1100 coupler > Exchange coupler.





After main switch off and on again, HMI piece counter values and settings are lost or old recipes are loaded.

Possible Causes & Resolutions:

  • IPC has not shut down correctly.Check the IPC after you switched off the main switch: Normally it will continue to run for at least 30 seconds to shut down correctly. If LED’s of IPC goes off within a few second, the battery of the UPS – unit is dead and needs to be replaced.



Machine stops and message „Pacemaker: Profibus communication error“ is displayed.

Possible Causes & Resolutions:

  • Cooling water valve: Wrong type of valve or plug without protective circuit (suppressor). The voltage peaks can cause interferences in the Pacemaker electronics. Always use the original plug and valve type.
  • Profibus plug: On the plug of first and last client of profibus system the termination resistant must be set to ON. Otherwise interference may occur.
  • Profibus cables: Check the position of the cables in the control unit. If they are close to contactors, high voltage peaks can create interferences.


The HMI cannot be started and the browser shows „NOT FOUND, The requested URL /en/default.htm was not found on this server“.

Possible Causes & Resolutions:

Not connected to Canman Wifi (only for wireless connected iPad’s): Check the wifi settings. Choose Canman wifi and try again.

IPC has not shut down correctly: In this case probably the HMI software can’t start up automatically by restarting the machine.

Check the IPC after you switched off the main switch: Normally it will continue to run for at least 30 seconds to shut down correctly. If LED’s of IPC goes off within a few second, the battery of the UPS – unit is dead and needs to be replaced.  Contact Canman for online support to restart HMI.

Please follow the below instructions carefully:

  1. Cooling unit for cold water (for both welding rollers):
  • The cooling emulsion must be changed yearly, but more preferably every 6 months. Follow the X7 manual if you have to change the emulsion !
  • The filter cartridge of 50 µm needs to be replaced monthly ! Follow the X7 manual if you have to the filter cartridge !
  • Check the level of the cooling emulsion on the internal tank. If you have to refill the tank, follow the X7 manual to get the correct mixing ratio for the emulsion, and fill the tank. Note: If the water level is too low, the chiller should show an error message, and the X7 should stop and show an error on the iPad !


  1. Cooling water / emulsion distribution station on X7:
  • Run some (5 to 10) can bodies and control the water pressure on the manometer: 5.0 bar is the min. required water pressure !
  • Run some (5 to 10) can bodies and control the water flow on the flowmeter S26 (2. From right side): 5.0 liter per minute is the min. water flow.
  • Note: The water pressure switch S120 is set to > 4.0 bar. If there is the error message “Error S120” on the iPad , first check the water pressure on the manometer, and if it’s below 4.0 bar check the cooling unit again !


  1. Weld roll ø 42 / 49 / 54 / 62 / 90 mm and lower weld arm:
  • It’s possible that the cooling circuit from waterflow meter S26 to lower weld roll, and back to the outlet on the water distribution, is blocked:

Take off the lower weld roll, unplug the grey water tube ø 10 mm labeled with “àWR” directly at the flow switch S26, and blow into the tube with air pressure. Check the out-going air-pressure at the free hole in the lower weld arm (supply for lower weld roll). If the circuit is free, you feel an equal air pressure (like on the output of the air gun) on your finger tip. If you recently took off the lower weld arm, there might be a problem with one or both o-ring seals between arm and upper bus bar:


Please check them if needed !

  • Now unplug the grey tube ø 10 labeled with “WR à” on the water distribution and blow into the tube with air pressure. Check the out-going air-pressure at the free hole in the lower weld arm (exit of lower weld roll). If the circuit is free, you feel an equal air pressure on your finger tip
  • If you re-install the lower weld roll again, make sure that the arrow “running / turning direction” is showing into the right direction.

Before re-connecting both grey tubes ø 10 mm, blow into one tube again by air-pressure, and feel the equal air-pressure on the other tube by your finger tip. If it’s ok, correctly connect both tubes again.


  1. Copper wire / copper wire profiling unit:
  • Measure the copper wire profile after the profiling unit on various positions (within around 300 mm). Check the correct width in the X7 manual. The tolerance must be within 0.03 mm !
  • Please check if the wire guiding wheel in front of the lower weld roll is broken. If it’s broken, replace it by a new one. Make sure you choose the correct size 1.90 or 2.30 mm !
  • Please check if the copper wire tension is correct. Set the correct tension according X7 manual !


  1. Welding parameters:
  • Please check the weld pressure. Set the correct welding pressure according X7 manual. The range should be between 40 and 50 daN.
  • Please check the welding frequency. Set the correct value according the recommendation in the iPad !
  • Please check the welding overlap. The welded overlap should be nosepiece overlap + 0.1 mm !
  • Check if the IR-Sensor graph of the Qualimaker 2™ on the iPad are within the correct range and straight, which means that the crown and exit conveyor settings are correct:

  1. Other possible errors:
  • If the copper wire gets burned, check if the upper and lower weld roll are touching each other without a blank between. Press the button on the main-aluminium plate to close the welding roller and test it.

Battery of IPC is empty when:

  • System Date and Time (Error Log) not correctly displayed and getting lost when powering off the IPC.


To Do:

Click here for the status LED’s of the Beckhoff PC and how to access the PC in case of a trouble shooting.


  • If the Led are not switching off after machine power off (wait at least 5min. !), remove the X101 plug on the IPC and plug it back after some seconds.


An overvoltage suppressor (or surge suppressor) is an appliance designed to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes. A surge suppressor attempts to regulate the voltage supplied to an electric device by either blocking or by shorting to ground voltages above a safe threshold.

These surge suppressors are built in to the latest Pacemaker models and machine controls (from 2009).

Check, if one or more modules of the surge suppressors are red/defect. Replace the red modules.


Do not bridge the signalling contacts and run the machine with defective red modules because they no longer protect the system from voltage peaks!!!
If the modules are defective, check the main supply. Measure and check all voltages between the phases and all phases to earth before exchange the modules and restart the machine.

Possible cause:

Maintenance, cleaning and insulation check (can be used in general for any welder)


  • Recommended to be done when the main Z-bar has to be changed anyway
  • Time to do: 4 – 8 hours for 1 person
  •   Turn the main switch off, make sure the water cooling unit is also off!
  •   Take off the copper wire completely.
  •   Take off internal side seam tubes or internal oxyde tube.

 Tubes have to be insulated in the area of rollformer, to avoid any contact to the ground.

(In the area of the lower welding arm is a simple insulation not possible).
− Take off the grounding cable from the lower copper plate going to the welding transformer

    (Do not forget to place back after you finish).
− Clean the whole secondary circuit as good as possible by rag and compressed air.
 Blow from rollformer side towards overhead exit conveyor, to protect the bearings in the rollformer.

  •   Take off the lower welding arm.
  •   Dismount the main Z-bar including front nosepiece.
  •   Clean both Z-bars, the Z-bar slot in the arm carefully, without using grinding paper, to avoid increasing theinternal width!
  •   Check internal/external full ceramic cross bars for damages, no need to take them off, if they are ok.
  •   Clean the contact surface between arm and the copper plate going to the welding transformer with grindingpaper 400.
  • Use a little flat plate and fold the grinding paper around.
  • Not a must but recommended: Lubricate one of the contact surfaces slightly by copper grease(to avoid humidity in between. If you decide to do, do it on all other contacts)
  • Check the O-Ring (to be done also on all following ones)

− Mount the Z-bar back into the arm and measure the insulation by Ohm-meter > 10 Mega Ohm!

  • We recommend to use a special heat compound to guarantee a better heat transfer from the Z-bar to thewater cooled welding arm!
  • We recommend to use new insulation washers (recommended also on all others).
  •   Check the little yellow full ceramic idler wheel in front of the lower welding roller, make sure screws/nutsare locked, and the circlip is not missing!
  •   Clean also the upper slot in the upper power plate.
  •   Take off the top copper plate between welding transformer and upper power plate (support of the lowerwelding arm). Clean the plate and the brown insulation plate (take care, can easily be broken).
  •   Clean all areas around the upper power plate, especially the area between power plate and copper plategoing to the welding transformer. This area is difficult to reach, when the lower arm is build in.
  •   Clean both areas between upper power plate and the main alumimium plate (devided by two brown

insulation plates).

  •   Clean the area around the big copper plate (going around the shaft of the upper pendulum rollerhead).
  •   Check following insulations (Ohm-meter > 10 Mega Ohm): Each idler wheel to the aluminium plate.

− Check also every bearing. Attention: Most of them have ceramic balls, marked by a red point!

  •   Each body of the copper profiling unit to the aluminium plate.
  •   The body of the big cooling wheel to the aluminium plate.
  •   The twin idler wheels (between rollformer and upper power plate) between itself but also to the aluminiumplate.
  •   Both transport rings, cutting wheel and pressing bearing/ roll of the wire chopper to the aluminium plate(clean up before may be helpful).
  •   The upper power plate to the main aluminium plate.
  •   The front support of the pendulum rollerhead to the aluminium plate.
  •   The welding pressure cylinder to the supporting plate.
  •   The main aluminium plate to the machine frame.
  •   The pendulum rollerhead to the machine frame.
  •   Calibration crown: Clean the calibration crown first.
  •   Each diabolo roller to the main brass plate.
  •   Support of guidance channel/calibration crown:
  •   Take off the whole canbody guidance including the long aluminium supporting plate (T-shape).
  •   Clean the whole area.
  •   Check the insulation between the long steel guide plate and its supports mounted to the frame:Three brown insulation plates underneath the long steel guide plate.
    Two separate brown insulation plates underneath a long steel bar (30/60 x 40 x 400 mm), to be found on the machine frame, in the area below the calibration crown.
  •   Put now back all parts.

 Make sure you are using only stainless steel screws and washers and lubricate the threads again!

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